Tuesday, November 29, 2011

schedule of events


black box:
natalie (videos)

(i will open the black box for installation at 6pm tomorrow. be ready to install.)


black box:

natalie (books)
(i will open yon at 6pm monday evening so that you guys can start setting up.)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I've been trying to remember the format for this assignment, and I don't really remember it all. I know there were three things....gah.

My first project is going to be a stack of books. The books will be every book I have ever read in my life (or as close to that as possible). it's just going to be one stack of books with all the books I can remember reading, probably in chronological order with the first books of the bottom and the most recently read books on the top. It is like an indirect self portrait, my readings as I grow up. Some things I'm exposed to. There will be a lot. The viewers should realize what they have read in their past is a lot too, and that if it isn't, they are missing out. I guess.

The second project is pretty simple. I'm going to video tape myself drive my car as I drive until all the gas in my tank runs out. It'll probably be maybe a.....six hour video at least. The tapes will be in one hour segments (hopefully). I want to display them separately on different screens, one for each hour. I'm excited. Just driving in one direction. Hopefully I wont be alone for the drive.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

twenty five

1. plexi kissing honey
2. plexi spitting out milk onto it
3. gallon challenge
4. sawing cypress
5. shaving face
6. shaving head
7. sandpaper inside clothes
8. shoes on nails
9. pillows filled with red feathers dropping feathers
10. rolling back and forth in honey
11. wear a sweater and snag it through a small corridor of nails
12. paint with horse tail
13. mimic horse
14. paint body as navajo
15. wear sequins and spin
16. run back and forth through room till exhaustion
17. blow bubbles all day
18. hang self on wall for a day (like a painting) not creepy
19. be pushed on wheelchair experience
20. braid my hair into horse hair
21. sit in circle of dirt
22. run with horses
23. bike ride on stairs
24. chew food with mouth open
25. creepy family photo

Friday, November 4, 2011

Monday lecture

The Authorship of Revolution & Mass Communications.
Paris, 1968 by Victoria H.F. Scott
October 31st, 2011. 6pm.

The lecture on Monday was “The Authorship of Revolution & Mass Communications” by Emory University professor Victoria H.F. Scott. One of the main topics was Cultural Revolution, political revolution, and the difference between the two. “The confusion between culture and politics are what culture revolutions are all about”. She stated that before it became associated with China, Cultural Revolution was mostly in Russia. She mentioned many names of people that contributed to the events of 1968 in Paris, like Alexander Bogdanov, who opposed the government from a Marxist point of view. Even though the protest of 1968 was a political failure, it had an enormous social effect that gave way to anarchy and liberal thoughts. “Revolution is the highest form of creation, the re-creation of the animate matter of the social organism” was a quote she stated. She also talked about the manipulative way of the media and the popular belief that there is such thing as “unmanipulated truth” because there is no unmanipulated writing, filming or broadcasting. However, the important thing is not what is manipulated but who manipulates it, which brings forth the issue of authorship and how all of us as authors are actually manipulators. “The author has now become the producer”, something that was impossible in 1968 mainly because of the technology we now have, and now we face the political effect that this will have in art.
She also talked about how in 1967 the government still controlled what was played on TV and the radio with messages such as “sorry the revolution will not be televised” because “to let people imagine the idea of revolution is to let revolution happen”, and a battle to control what TV played began in 1968.
However, as Jean Baudrillard said, the media was the message because “Not only is their destiny far from revolutionary; the media are not even, somewhere else or potentially, neutral or non-ideological”, therefore, the media does not work as a revolutionary protest.
She also showed a lot of graffiti and posters (“the most revolutionary form of communication during May” because they were unmediated) that were a way for students and protesters to express their opinions about the government. Overall, the lecture was very confusing because she gave unnecessary complicated explanations, used complex words and French names every 5 seconds, and I don’t think anyone understood a lot of the things she said. 

projects for natalie



Thursday, November 3, 2011

final project idea.. were we supposed to post the mashup of 3 different ideas as well?

Anyways for my final project, my idea is to interview and some how get some behind the scenes footage at subway. Subway has basically taken over my life and is the topic of many of my conversations (sadly). My co-workers and I have an infinite amount of stories and complaints that are quite hilarious. And of course people will mention what they do love about working at subway (hahahaha). Each interviewee will remain anonymous by being taped only from the neck down, they will be wearing a subway uniform minus their name tag (i don't want them getting in trouble if this video gets out somewhere). Not sure yet if I'll modify their voices. This is just my basic idea, it will probably evolve once I get going.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Final Project LKSFJLSDKfjsdfadsmreow

So for my final project I'm going to do a collection of mini projects relating to clothing and self. Clothing is an interesting subject because it's such a huge part of culture and labeled as a necessity. I was originally going to do an experiment every day, but now might shorten it to at least four days a week. I'm want to bring attention to clothing and how people react to unusual clothing options, for example wearing mismatching clothing or multiple, unnecessary layers.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

ideas for final project

Ideas for final project
1. maybe i could combine #1 and #2 on my list. The animals could be playing with a ball made of many beautiful feathers and focus on the visual organic appeal of the object.
2. i could combine #9, #10 and focus on the concept of people and/or animals in places they wouldn't normally be.
3. i could combine #4, #6, #13, #17, #19 and #22 and focus on the concept of human parts and their functions, including smiling, talking, walking, blinking, kissing, laughing, screaming...
4. i could combine #11 and #12 and focus on the reaction of people when someone does something unexpected and/or unusual.
5. i could combine #16 and #18 and focus on "the passing of time"

Project Ideas

1. spin in a circle for 2 minutes and then run in a line.
2. send my neighbor a letter everyday signed by a secret admirer.
3. instead of speaking, only communicate through drawing for a day.
4. instead of speaking, only communicate through writing for a day.
5. have a funeral for all of the shitty artwork people have made. Invite art majors to join in and bring their unsuccessful work.
6. send a disposable camera to a stranger with instructions to use it up and return it.
7. set out ceramic cups with instructions to use them and pass them on. track them somehow.
8. make a sculpture of my family out of found objects that relate to the family member.
9. make a self portrait out of my favorite foods. eat the entire thing as a performance.
10. make a time capsule. record the making and hiding of it.
11. make a documentary about my friends lives
12. video of bored people.
13. video of angry people.
14. montage of clips from horror movies.
15. montage of clips from a certain type of commercial
16. make a commercial for a made up fantastical product.
17. paint really bad portraits for people.
18. make a cartoon of my day.
19. put strange ads on craigslist and document the replies and present them.
20. recreate stories on video
21. recreate childhood home videos/memories by creating sets and acting them out.
22. recreate family photos using sets that I create. photograph/video tape them.
23. animate a book I like.
24. animate a kids book that I used to like.
25. make a memorial for all of my dead pets.

25 ideas

1. no shave november
2. stripper barbie stop motion
3. push someone to the limit- nitpick them until they snap
4. living color- you can only wear and eat one color for an entire week, a color a day ROYGBIV
5. how someone sees you- survey of people you know and first impressions of how they view you
6. collection of how much time on facebook and how long you're there
7. chart grocery products and who they're owned by- less variety than we think
8. taking pictures of people on campus and making diagram of stereotypes
9. wear same clothes for a week
10. change single detail about self (eyebrows? bleaching?) a little each day and see when people notice
11. have fake injury and tell people different story of how it happened to each person who asks
12. taking picture of people and their technology and how they relate (phone, computer, computer background, etc.)
13. find similarities between genre of movies and mash all together
14. analyze princess movies- what does your favorite disney princess say about you and what you want out of a relationship
15. color and sound video- morphing and flexing colors and music complimenting it
16. being blunt for a day and how the creates problems
17. comparison of how society functions today and how used to function- how much we eat in comparison
18. add extra layer of clothing everyday
19. wear all clothing you own (or as much as you can stuff on) for a dayish?
20. how much trash you make in a day. a week.
21. being loud in a quiet space
22. what do you have to sacrifice to do nothing in a day? catch up work and losing out on live experience?
23. forcing to watch or be surrounded by media 24hrs- watching commercials for 24hrs? what do you want to buy? what are you sick of?
24. not allowed to go inside for a day
25. videorecord an entire day of your life- edit it according to how long each moment really felt- slowed down, quickened pace, garbled voices or conversations you dont remember

Possible Final Project Idea

As a final project, I would like to explore with Adobe After Effects and make a strictly, text-only, kind of Public Service Announcement based on the very serious and touchy topic of teen pregnancy and abortion. I plan on getting the text from the lyrics of a rap song I really like and touched me a lot from the first time I heard it. It definitely wasn't a typical rap song that I heard. It had much more depth and meaning than the ordinary raps of car, clothes, money, and hoes. Since I have never delved into After Effects, I am taking the risk of utilizing a program I don't have experience with but I hope taking the risk will have a positive effect on my grade. Without risk, there's no reward, right? Maybe I could make it into a mini-documentary too. IDK. To go even further, I like the idea of movie mash-up so maybe I could get different clips dealing with abortion/teen pregnancy and integrate with the text. Like side by side scrolling next to each other. I guess my goal would be to educate people about the issue and motivate them to keep their child.

EPIC MOVIE- Title and release date pending! Stay Tuned!

DESCRIBE: I want to create an advertisement for my own epic blockbuster... about the daily life of anyone who really could be anywhere at anytime. In other words, create a really awesome looking trailer for a movie that has to be anything but. I want to use epic voice overs, but low quality images.

I will create even more promotional material for this movie; a poster, website, and maybe even swag advertising the movie and it's release date. Actually; the movie could end up without much of a trailer and focus more on these promotions.

It's the best movie ever about nothing in particular.

CONCEPT: With this project i want to criticize the modern entertainment industry while reveling in the power of film to make basically anything seem a certain way.

I've noticed that as i've gotten older, I've gotten more jaded in respect to mainstream blockbusters. They seem to get airer all the time: all flash and no thought. All dazzle and no soul. A few movies that come to mind are "Avatar," the sequel "Transformers" movies, and the quickly-becoming-the-most-abused-genere-ever super hero movies like "Captain America." They have become so hackneyed they are hardly even fun anymore... I want to express my disgust with this. Hollywood's just so stagnent. They make so many movies about nothing.

I also love how film can change the meaning of images with sound, edits, and cuts. I want to play around with that power and make something boring seem exciting!

In terms of connecting to history and the art world at large, dada comes to mind (meaninglessness) and Matthew Barney (he created art films that can be considered blockbusters in their own right- but for real, not as a joke) and this http://www.0100101110101101.org/home/unitedwestand/intro.html which Budd so kindly pointed out to me.

GOALS: To have fun with this, for one, and learn more about video editing.

I want to expose the absurdity of what we accept as "entertainment." I want to express my frustration with the entertainment industry today. I also want to reveal the power of film to alter reality. I want to make whats boring and commonplace exciting!


1- Post the end of the semester faculty reviews in the University Gallery.
2-Hide something in the Jim Drain exhibition.
3-Replace info plaques at the Harn with arbitrary facts.
4-Photograph series of dirty dishes.
5-Fill a teddy bear with diamonds and send it to a stranger.
6-Make a fur umbrella.
7-Embed a cork tree with wine corks.
8-Embed a cork tree with jewels.
9-Paint a chainsaw t look like a penis.
10-Make dinner wear that looks like breast.
11-Fill a bench in a waiting room with whoopie cushions.
12-Make a tower out of phonebooks from every resident in the city of Gainesville.
13-Make a tongue water fountain.
14-Place a silicone mold of a mouth over a public drinking fountain.
15-Pretend you are invisible.
16-Make the Mona Lisa out of popsicle sticks.
17-Call Jeff Koons and tell him he is boring.
18-Send Michelle Bachman a sausage.
19-Play hand clap games in a giant circle comprised of every student in the art department.
20-Make a nativity scene out of butter.
21-Film someone eating the nativity scene.
22-Draw a picture of Budd.
23-Make a documentary about Gainesville thrifters.
24-Act out a Martha Rosler film.
25-Make a chair out of bike inner tubes.


1.     I’ve always been interested in feathers and the different combinations of colors they have. One idea could be to make a video of a person flying covered in feathers (with Photoshop).
2.     Get an object that is visually attractive and indestructible, give it to many different animals, and film their reactions to it.
3.     A video of animals acting like humans (dogs skateboarding, etc…)
4.     Go to Disney and take pictures of people smiling
5.     Make a road trip and film the signs and cars
6.     A video of babies talking
7.     Video of flowing water (lakes, ocean, toilet, washer, etc…)
8.     Green screen video of a person camouflaging its body in different places
9.     Video of gainesville’s invasion of squirrels, miami’s invasion of ducks, and the keys’ invasion of chickens.
10.  A video of a baby monkey in different places
11. a video of me pointing at strangers with a wand and saying “expelliarmus”
12. a video of me stopping strangers n the streets to shake their hands
13.  a video of feet walking around
14.  a video of weird-looking people (in Miami beach, Disney, etc…)
15.  video of a magical forest (colorful cats on tree branches, talking squirrels…)
16. a video about waiting (people waiting for a bus, waiting for the light to change…)
17. video of many clips of parts of the body (eyes blinking, feet tapping…)
18. pictures of places during the day and at night
19. go to chucky cheese’s and film kids sugar high
20. video of shadows
21. video of lights
22. go to a concert and film people screaming
23. video of hands painted as animals
24. video of animals walking towards my camera
25. video of breaking things

Idea Party: 25 Ideas

1.) Ordinary Horror Movie: A movie about the super boring crap everyone does (brushing teeth, showering, taking a poo, ect) but with horror movie style suspense. Flickering lights, tense violin strings, creepy shadows… all spicing up the daily chores of ordinary life. Explores mood setting, studies the mundane in a new light.

2.) Gaming Hands and Faces: Record people playing video games: get simultaneous shots of their faces, hands and the on screen action. A new look at gaming and how it affects (or doesn’t) our bodies. Problem: need three or more cameras, nobody would keep a straight face.

3.) Graffiti Penis: Record all the penis graffiti I see. The scrotum is one of the most popular images for people to scribble on walls and in books. A collection of these images would be hilarious and also something of a sad critique of our culture.

4.) Bike Cam: Strap a camera to me bike and let it record while I ride.

5.) Beautiful Decay: Create a painting out of perishable food and take a photo of it each day; the result is a slowly decaying work of art.

6.) Movie Mash up: Bring together scenes from very different movies to create a single weird narrative.

7.) Commercial fun: Splice together a bunch of commercials, looking for similarities.

8.) Movie advertisements: Create a looping film of the “sweeping aerial view” shoots that are so common in movie ads. Could also combine more clichés of movie ads for one big movie.

9.) Unfitting Music: Play unfitting music for a various clips to change the meaning.

10.) Epic Movie Ad: Create a totally epic movie advertisement for my boring ass life.

11.) Booger Sculpture: Make a sculpture out of boogers. Nasty and I would never do this but it’s an idea.

12.) Turlington Creeper: Hand out fake fliers at Turlington that say something completely bizarre. Record. How often do you get rejected?

13.) Push the Button: Create a complex sculpture where there is a button on the wall. If you push it, something different will play on a screen every time. Not sure what though.

14.) Bike beatification: Go around and paint everyone’s bike that’s hooked to a bike rack. Record. You’re a total dick for doing this.

15.) Super Market Adventures: Set up hidden cameras in wal-mart, target, and k-mart if you can find one. Leave it there for a few days. Then take it back. Ask people if they can tell the stores apart. Sort of like people of walmart, only it’s art.

16.) Sequel to “Creature”: I had more for Creature but I ran out of time and energy to do it… I could use my unused ideas in “Creature 2.”

17.) Chickens discuss the meaning of life: Back home me and my sister have two bantam hens. They live in a rabbit hutch on the back porch. They could have a deep discussion on the meaning of their pitiful, smelly existence. Kind of depressing, but also funny.

18.) Mouse Adventures: A stop motion with my computer mouse. It roams the world, and using the arrow in real life to move around windows, send things to the trash, and just click carelessly around it wrecks havoc on the world. Could also be purely a flash animation.

19.) Interview people about poop: If an artists takes a poo and calls it art, is it really art? Ask the average joe about this and watch their reactions. Then tell them people have actually made fine art out of poo. Reveal huge disconnect between contemporary art world and the real world.

20.) Make art out of poo: Just that. Use poo to make some shity art.

21.) Tree paper: Tear bark off of tress; glue it together to make an 8.5 by 11 sheet of “organic paper.” Proceed to write and draw on it. Maybe get audience to write on it.

22.) Peanut Butter: Make a sculpture or painting or stop motion or something out of peanut butter. I’m hungry.

23.) Pencil shavings: Try to draw pictures with pencil shavings instead of pencils.

24.) Game playing game: Design a video game in which you play as a person playing a video game. GAMECEPTION.

25.) Ctrl-z: Make a movie about a world in which people can undo anything they want just by pushing ctrl-z.

25 ideas

25 ideas
1. Spinning around in a chair until you can’t (in the center of a room)
2. Stealing more tomato signs
3. Running around in a room throwing popcorn all over the floor
4. Letting water drop through the ceiling to make a puddle
5. Making your friends run around a house naked and take photos of them running
6. Video of exploding glass in slow motion. To funny music
7. Cut off people’s hair and sticking the ends to a board. Then each inch is another person’s hair. Let the other ends dangle.
8. Make a silent commercial. For toothpaste. Or cars. Or condoms.
9. A display of Chinese water torture
10. Go to Disney and take pictures of tourists taking pictures
11. Pin up any post cards of Santa at the beach or in Alaska (like on vacation) and cover a wall at least seven feet. It has to be overwhelming
12. Tye dye socks and underwear and pin them up for all to see
13. decorate a bunch of lampshades and install them on the wall with the top facing out
14. Measure exactly how far your car can go in one tank of gas. And have it run out. Document.
15. Steal the keys of the janitor and go in every dorm and clean it. And snoop. Take pictures of interesting things.
16. Shoot a gun. And then run. Of course videotaping it.
17. Plan a flash mob. A Chinese fire drill. At a big light. Maybe archer and 34th.
18. Eat poprocks on a rollercoaster. And then drink soda. Maybe refer to the first idea?
19. Drink super concentrated koolaid (each color) and take pictures of pee. Hopefully they’re different colours. haha
20. Stack every book you’ve ever read onto a scale
21. Keep one of those pins that squirt water and take pictures every time you surprise someone.
22. Dangle balls from the ceiling and turn on loud music to move them to the bass, vibrating
23. Time how long it takes to write this paper,( or two more ideas)
24. Get my nose or lip pierced and tape me telling my mom. Then take it out.
25. Have a contest on who can stand on one foot the longest. The winner gets pushed down anyway.