Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I've been trying to remember the format for this assignment, and I don't really remember it all. I know there were three things....gah.

My first project is going to be a stack of books. The books will be every book I have ever read in my life (or as close to that as possible). it's just going to be one stack of books with all the books I can remember reading, probably in chronological order with the first books of the bottom and the most recently read books on the top. It is like an indirect self portrait, my readings as I grow up. Some things I'm exposed to. There will be a lot. The viewers should realize what they have read in their past is a lot too, and that if it isn't, they are missing out. I guess.

The second project is pretty simple. I'm going to video tape myself drive my car as I drive until all the gas in my tank runs out. It'll probably be maybe a.....six hour video at least. The tapes will be in one hour segments (hopefully). I want to display them separately on different screens, one for each hour. I'm excited. Just driving in one direction. Hopefully I wont be alone for the drive.

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