Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Project Ideas

1. spin in a circle for 2 minutes and then run in a line.
2. send my neighbor a letter everyday signed by a secret admirer.
3. instead of speaking, only communicate through drawing for a day.
4. instead of speaking, only communicate through writing for a day.
5. have a funeral for all of the shitty artwork people have made. Invite art majors to join in and bring their unsuccessful work.
6. send a disposable camera to a stranger with instructions to use it up and return it.
7. set out ceramic cups with instructions to use them and pass them on. track them somehow.
8. make a sculpture of my family out of found objects that relate to the family member.
9. make a self portrait out of my favorite foods. eat the entire thing as a performance.
10. make a time capsule. record the making and hiding of it.
11. make a documentary about my friends lives
12. video of bored people.
13. video of angry people.
14. montage of clips from horror movies.
15. montage of clips from a certain type of commercial
16. make a commercial for a made up fantastical product.
17. paint really bad portraits for people.
18. make a cartoon of my day.
19. put strange ads on craigslist and document the replies and present them.
20. recreate stories on video
21. recreate childhood home videos/memories by creating sets and acting them out.
22. recreate family photos using sets that I create. photograph/video tape them.
23. animate a book I like.
24. animate a kids book that I used to like.
25. make a memorial for all of my dead pets.

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