Tuesday, November 1, 2011

EPIC MOVIE- Title and release date pending! Stay Tuned!

DESCRIBE: I want to create an advertisement for my own epic blockbuster... about the daily life of anyone who really could be anywhere at anytime. In other words, create a really awesome looking trailer for a movie that has to be anything but. I want to use epic voice overs, but low quality images.

I will create even more promotional material for this movie; a poster, website, and maybe even swag advertising the movie and it's release date. Actually; the movie could end up without much of a trailer and focus more on these promotions.

It's the best movie ever about nothing in particular.

CONCEPT: With this project i want to criticize the modern entertainment industry while reveling in the power of film to make basically anything seem a certain way.

I've noticed that as i've gotten older, I've gotten more jaded in respect to mainstream blockbusters. They seem to get airer all the time: all flash and no thought. All dazzle and no soul. A few movies that come to mind are "Avatar," the sequel "Transformers" movies, and the quickly-becoming-the-most-abused-genere-ever super hero movies like "Captain America." They have become so hackneyed they are hardly even fun anymore... I want to express my disgust with this. Hollywood's just so stagnent. They make so many movies about nothing.

I also love how film can change the meaning of images with sound, edits, and cuts. I want to play around with that power and make something boring seem exciting!

In terms of connecting to history and the art world at large, dada comes to mind (meaninglessness) and Matthew Barney (he created art films that can be considered blockbusters in their own right- but for real, not as a joke) and this http://www.0100101110101101.org/home/unitedwestand/intro.html which Budd so kindly pointed out to me.

GOALS: To have fun with this, for one, and learn more about video editing.

I want to expose the absurdity of what we accept as "entertainment." I want to express my frustration with the entertainment industry today. I also want to reveal the power of film to alter reality. I want to make whats boring and commonplace exciting!

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