Thursday, September 29, 2011

a cursory unresolve

plaques line the walls, crooked. 4-9 names on each plaque, 10-20 plaques.

bridget mccarroll
robyn bomar
therese widemann

in a popular search engine a website beckons for a reunion, directories list locale within the last 10 years, obituaries mourn my loss.

students are on the same engine, different engines, different websites, popular, unpopular, unnoticed.

i am overwhelmed and recede back into my coffee cup, beige page, ball point pen.

bridget mccarroll..

an employee directs me to a computer catalogue

bridget mead
bridget miller
douglas mccarroll

woodgrain chairs creek, fingers press against plastic keys, but the room is otherwise silent. stares remain in 2D rectilinear constraints, the opposite of what would read as the eyes in pursuit of inquiry.

i still don't know who bridget mccarroll is.
i watch someone who is outside watching someone outside. he walks away. i walk away.

my coffee is cold.

1 comment:

  1. "i still don't know who bridget mccarroll is"

    best line of the...piece. Written very stream-of-consciousness. Spacey. There isn't enough information here to create a whole image of where she is. This makes things more...intriguing. Because it doesn't matter how many times I read this, I won't get any more information....damn
