Friday, September 9, 2011

Wacky Tacky Wibbly Wobbly Non-Inflatable Lad

So I found this video online and had one of those "what did I just watch" moments. Technically speaking, the editing was great: the pacing of the video was perfectly synced to the audio; the structured, diverse use of wide-shots and medium shots was great; and the length of the video was just enough to convey a message and make it somewhat memorable.

Aside from that, the content itself is rather....interesting. If I saw something like that in real life, I'd claim zombie apocalypse and freak out. Probably without the arms flailing like that guy. Or the seizure.


  1. Oh my god this is the same video I posted. XD It must be going around. It's so awesome.

  2. Oh wow, I just went through your link this time and saw it. It gets funnier when you watch the video while listening to Vanessa Carlton's A Thousand Miles. XD

    Also, in that case, I guess I'll share this timelapse of a stopmotion:
